The Criminal's Belief System

“I Want It NOW!”

This thinking error related to this statement is referred to as “lack of time perspective.” A criminal often demands immediate possession of what he wants. He interprets “wants” as needs, and refuses to wait and work for them. Criminals with this thinking error will often decide to go ahead and take by stealth or force what they want, especially if they don’t have the cash on hand to buy it. 

Another thinking error to which this statement relates is “materialism.”  This is the tendency to consider material possessions and physical comfort as more important than spiritual or moral values.  The law has no impact on their thinking when they decide to go ahead and acquire something they want.

Sometimes people with the “I want it now” thinking error turn to shoplifting.  They basically say to themselves, "If I can take it, I will take it.” For many, it's an irresistible urge. There's something in their brain telling them, “You want it, right?  So go ahead and take it.”  Shoplifting can become a genuine addiction that stems from the same issue as a gambling or drinking addiction. These people shoplift because they feel compelled to, rather than for financial or material gain.

We shouldn’t point an accusing finger at these people.  Wanting what we want right now, rather than waiting for it, may have gotten some of us in trouble with our credit cards. The reality of high credit card debt for many people is that they spent money they didn’t have and don’t have a way to pay back. They max out their credit line to have what they want right now.  Thinking that $2,000 flat-screen TV only costs $20 per month in payments is dangerous, and can quickly lead to overwhelming debt.

Debt is an unwelcome guest in the home of many Americans. The average U.S. household with debt carries $15,310 in credit card debt and $132,086 in total debt (auto loan, house mortgage, and credit card combined).  The average number of credit cards owned by each adult American is 3.7. According to 2015 statistics, the average household is paying a total of $6,658 in interest per year. This is 9% of the average household income ($75,591) being spent on interest alone.

I see at least spiritual issues with this thinking error.  One is failure to recognize that God is our generous Provider.  We don’t have to go out and get everything ourselves.  He will give it to us when the time is right.  Which brings us to the second spiritual issue … failure to wait on God. Let’s examine both in the Word.

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